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"Stanley Pat" nursery and the Club of owners of Cane Corso offer for sale horoughbred Cane Corso puppies.
You will be able always to select in our nursery elite puppies for exhibition career, reliable guides and devoted companions for You and a fine nurses for Your children. Read more... |
Benito Dei Martinotti
Birth date: 12-10-2001 Sex: Male Registration number: LIR 02/34434, РКФ 1416105 Sire: Cylver Dei Martinotti Dam: Astra Pedigree... Puppies... Breeder: Италия Owner: Перминова Ирина All photos... TitlesTitle | Exhibition | Expert | CW, CAC, BOS, Чемпион АНКОР | Золото Тулы | Абракимов Ш. | CW, CAC, Кандидат в чемпионы ОАНКОО | Кубок Твери | В.Иванищева | CW, CAC,CACIB,BOS | MOLDOVA-2005 | P. Kroll | САС, CW | ''Город мастеров'' г. Тула | Г. Сипягин | CAC, BOB | КСС "Одинцово" | М. Островская | CAC, BOB | МООК «КИНОЛОГиЯ» (Москва 27-12-2003) | Р. Хомасуридзе | CAC, CW | Выставка РФЛС-I (CACIB) | Ю. Берадзе |